With exception of the year-end vacation, art is the only thing that gets me to leave HK and hop on a plane on anything non-business (though mostly remain mad-rush weekend trips!). Looking back one year roughly, since Venice Biennale 2009 which was an amazing experience, my art adventure took me to Art Basel and its many great ancillary events, the Ai Weiwei show at Mori Tokyo that I looked forward to for almost a year, No Soul for Sale at Tate (with Para/Site participation!), the art celeb-filled Art Setouchi near Osaka, my first real outdoor art show at Echigo Tsumari Art Festival near Niigata, Ron Arad and Celeste Boursier-Mougenot @ Barbican (where our new WKCD head came from), the iconic Henry Moore and Chris Ofili shows at Tate Britain (even better than the running Tate Modern shows), Zhang Huan at Taipei MOCA (I flew over for him!), Sophie Calle at Whitechapel (my discovery of the fantastic Whitechapel)...
Plus, so many other ones that I went because I was in town and dont want to waste a perfectly good chance, like Koohlas's Prada Transformer and Media City2010 in Seoul, Cai Guoqiang at RAM in Shanghai (where I picked up 6 pieces of his "co-creations"!), the memorable all-NY performance by Keith Hennessy at the avant-garde New Museum, the many great shows at Beijing's UCCA (Yang Pei Ming's powerful children paintings and Qiu Zhijie's monumental shows came to mind!) ...I was definitely surprised to see how many events I went to in just about 15 months, when I looked back at my old blogs since Venice!
A final one this year that I am looking forward to is the November London trip, to attend my first Tate Asia Acquisition Committee annual meeting. And I really want to hit Gwanggu Biennale before it closes, as it is highly recommended by my art connoisseur frd.
So, is art a passing fad for me, or a real "sustainable" interest? Is it a cumulation of what I like before, or what I dont like NOW to get me a new perspective? Is art hopping part of the art collection gig, or the other way round? Dont know. But, for now, I'm looking forward to the next 100!
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